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Hanson County

Land Auction

240 Acres Taylor Twp.

( Sold - $1,234,000 )

Tract 1 - $6,800 Per Acre

Tract 2 - $4,300 Per Acre

Tuesday, October 3rd. - 12:00 Noon

Earl Harms - Estate

We will sell the following at the land On Site at Public Auction at the intersection of 263rd. Street and 427th. Avenue.  From Emery, South Dakota go just 2 miles South on 429th. Avenue to 263rd. Street then go 2 miles West to the property and the auction site.

Tuesday, Oct. 3rd. - 12:00 Noon

Tract 1---Selling 80 Acres M/L: The West Half of the SW ¼ of Section 3-101-57.  This is beautiful farmland and according to FSA maps & information presently has approximately 78 cropland acres presently planted to soybeans.  AgrData shows gently rolling and very productive Clarno-Bonilla and Hand Soils with a Weighted Average Productivity Index of approx. 80---This is good soil!!  Taxes are $1,535.94.


Tract 2—Selling 160 Acres M/L:  The NW ¼ of Section 9-101-57.  This tract lays just a half mile West of Tract 1 and presently has approximately 109 cropland acres planted to soybeans with the balance in trees and  rolling grass acres used for recreation, hay land or pasture.  The cropland acres are gently rolling to rolling and consist mostly of productive Henkin and Hand soils with Productivity Indexes from 55 to 84.  This is a unique quarter with scenic habitat that would appeal to a sportsman, farmer or cattleman.  Taxes are just $1,663.74.

Terms & Conditions:  A 10% nonrefundable down payment is due sale day with the balance due in full at closing on or before Jan. 15th. 2018..  Title insurance and title company closing fee split equally.  Seller to pay 2017 tax due 2018.  Buyers are encouraged to do their own due diligence in every respect as the property is sold as is with no guarantees of any kind other than clear and marketable title.  Full possession to the new buyer for the 2018 crop year.  Hansen Land & Auction Co. is the agent of and represents the Seller in this transaction.  View maps & information online---See you at the auction—Thanks !!

Tract - 1
Hanson Co 240 FSA Map 1
Hanson Co 240 tract 1 soil
Hanson Co 240 Wetland Map t1
Hanson Co Base yeild 1
Tract - 2
Hanson Co 240 fsa map 2
Hanson Co 240 Tract 2 soils
Hanson Co 240 Wetland Map t2
Hanson Co base yeild 2

Hansen Land & Auction

25150 US Hwy 81
Salem, SD 57058

605-425-2608 / 605-360-2608

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